Are you struggling to find supplies for your church to reopen? Have you driven around town searching for Lysol and can’t find enough to disinfect? Are you concerned about being able to continue to find supplies to keep your church clean enough to stay open? Have you been so overwhelmed that you don’t know where to start? Our desire at Lifegivers Co is to be a blessing to the body of Christ and all churches and ministries, so here is a list of links to bulk supplies that you won’t be able to find in regular stores. Hopefully, buying in bulk will save you money in the long run from having to buy 150 bottles of disinfectant and sanitizer. You may also consider searching your local hardware stores (Lowes, Home Depot, Harbor Freight, etc.), janitorial supplies, dental and medical supply, and restaurant supply stores. If you have found some great places to buy from, please share with us and we will add them to this list.
Links to potential alternative solutions for Covid related supplies online:
*Disclaimer: We have not bought personally from these websites, except where indicated. Please do your own research on products and websites for effectiveness, safety, and reputability.
Face Shields and Masks
Dichicko’s Clear Face Shields with elastic bands. These are handmade and great quality.
*The owner of Dichickos is a friend and her company makes and ships these shields from Georgia. I know from personal experience that their shields are good quality and they have great customer service. She will be offering masks and sanitizer soon. She loves the shields versus the masks for the benefit of being able to see the mouth moving and understand people when they are talking. She says they are comfortable, also. Check out the pics on her site.
ZShields Face Shields has several different shield styles and masks.
24 Hour Wristbands Face Shields
24 Hour Wristbands also has many varieties of masks.
Disinfecting Wipes or Spray
Wagners Supply has several variety of wipes
Primo Dental Products offers the Sani-Cloth germicidal disposable wipes.
Benzarid Disinfectant Virucide Fungicide Spray. This is the only option I found to possibly replace Lysol for cloth chairs.
Some churches are using hydrogen peroxide and water or bleach (1/3 cup to 1 gallon water) in lawn sprayers to discinfect their chairs. Others are replacing chairs with metal or plastic chairs so they can be wiped down easily.
Bulk Apothecary has 1 Gallon Gel or Spray Sanitizer that can ship in (10 days processing, 1-5 days to ship)
Casey Jones Liquid Sanitizer. Jesus turned water into wine and these guys turned alcohol into sanitizer.
24 Hour Wristbands has all kinds of shapes and sizes of sanitizer in stock. Looks like a few days delivery.
Outreach has hand sanitizing stations (ships late June-July)
24 Hour Wristbands Infrared Thermometers
Heart Smart Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer
Philip Pulse Oximeters No Contact Thermometers
Other Resources:
Graphic Signs for Reopening
Invite Neighbors to Online or In Person Service
Printable Free Signs
For your own research:
Here is a list from the Environmental Protection Agency of cleaning products that are approved to sanitize Sars 2 (Covid19)
What does the CDC recommend you clean?